Food & Wine

Pomegranate Liqueur




Method: 1 Cut pomegranates.  Gently pull seeds away from the white centers.

2. Place all seeds in a glass container

3. Pour the alcohol over the seeds.  Close the lid. Let it age for two weeks  in a cool dark place.

4. After 2 weeks, heat the water with the sugar . Disolve very well

5. Strain through fine wire mesh and discard all the seeds.

6. Pour the cold syrup into the liqueur and mix with a spoon

7. Tranfer in a clean glass bottle.

It is ready to be served alone or added to cocktails such 1 to 1 with vodka or 1 to 1 with sparkling wine and cinnamon syrup.   With tequila and cranberry juice. You can added it in a  glass of warm red and spiced sangria (mulled wine) to accompany roasted chestnuts. The possibilities for use are endless. Enjoy!

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    5 December 2020 at 0:40

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